中村 眞弥子/Mayako Nakamura

中村 眞弥子 Mayako Nakamura

中村 眞弥子
Mayako Nakamura

Chasing the Wind

Acrylic on panel




1976年東京生まれ 東京在住の美術作家。1999年上智大学 比較文化学部 美術史専攻、2009年武蔵野美術大学造形学部 油画学科絵画コース卒業。からだの感じる空間のさかいめ・あたまの知っている実在の印象・こころの求めている普遍的なかたちに無数の感覚を重ねながら、もうひとつの日常を描く。国内外の個展・グループ展にて絵画作品を中心に発表。ホテルの壁画、 服飾、装丁、食器などのコラボレーションも行う。

Mayako Nakamura (1976-) is a painter, living and working in Tokyo. Graduated from Sophia University, Department of Comparative Culture, Art History major (1999) and Musashino Art University, Oil Painting Department, Painting Course (2009). She exhibits her work in both domestic and foreign venues since 2009. She explains her working method: “I trace the shapes of space and boundaries in everyday, as my body feels. When numerous senses woven together with the impressions of the reality that my mind has already known, and with the universal shapes that my kokoro longs for, another day appears on my canvas. I’m attempting to create another everyday, which seems more essential than the actual living, by painting atmospheres; emotions and actions that can’t be expressed by words; nothing special, but surely existing.” In addition to painting, Mayako also collaborates with artists in other fields, such as hotel murals, clothing, book design, and tableware.

2023-10-23 | Posted in | Comments Closed